在笔者之前的博文《关于httpd 2.x,mod_auth_mysql模块的安装配置以及对aes加密的支持》中,所提及到的mod_auth_mysql模块,是专门用于Apache httpd的第三方认证模块。在本文中,将介绍在Nginx上面相对应的一个模块,nginx_auth_mysql。准备工作
nginx_auth_mysql的源代码文件如下所示:查看一下config配置文件,其内容如下所示:由上述配置文件的格式,可以看出是专门进行静态编译的第三方模块。由于在Nginx 1.9.11版本之后,已经支持以动态模块的方式来支持第三方扩展,并且由上述配置文件的内容,初步判定可以将其修改为动态模块的编译配置,因此这里将其编译为动态库,以供Nginx进行加载。关于配置文件的修改以及动静模块的转换,参照如下两篇文章:Converting Static Modules to Dynamic ModulesNew Config Shell File经过修改之后的config文件内容如下所示:在编译的时候,添加上--add-dynamic-module
编译完成之后,在objs文件夹里面生成了所需要的模块:将ngx_http_auth_mysql_module.so拷贝到对应的模块目录里面,至此完成了初步的模块安装任务。配置内容在nginx.conf文件中的main段里面添加如下一行,代表需要加载该模块:笔者使用默认主机/auth路径下的auth.html进行测试:在该模块的README文档中,详细介绍了模块使用的配置参数,如下所示:== CONFIGURATION ==
It is activated by adding several configuration options:auth_mysql_realm: HTTP basic authentiaction realm. Required.auth_mysql_host: the host of the MySQL server. Default is on which port to connect to the MySQL server. Default is 3306.auth_mysql_user: username for connection to the MySQL server. Default is root.auth_mysql_password: password for connection to the MySQL server. Default is empty.auth_mysql_database: name of the database. Required.auth_mysql_table: name of the table, which holds the user record.
You can have more than one table separated by comas. Default is users.auth_mysql_user_column: name of the username column. Default is username.auth_mysql_password_column: name of the password column. Default is password.auth_mysql_conditions: Additional SQL conditions. They will be placed after and AND.
Default is empty string.auth_mysql_group_table: name of the table, which holds the groups information.
You can have more than one table separated by comas. Default is the users table.auth_mysql_group_column: name of the group name column. Default is name.auth_mysql_group_conditions: Additional SQL conditions applied only in group queries.
They will be placed after an AND. Default is empty string.auth_mysql_encryption_type: the format of the password field. Should be one of:
none: the password is stored in plaintext in the database;md5: in the database is stored a md5 hash of the password;phpass: a portable php hash of the password is stored. See:
http://www.openwall.com/phpass/ for more information.
The default is md5.auth_mysql_allowed_users: whitespace delimited list of allowed users.auth_mysql_allowed_groups: whitespace delimited list of allowed groups开发云主机域名.
If both allowed_users and allowed_groups are defined, either of them has to satisfied.笔者这里使用mysql数据库创建认证用户的内容如下所示,创建nginx数据库,在nginx数据库里面添加一个nginx_auth的数据表,存放user字段和password字段,并且password字段用md5进行加密:在nginx.conf配置文件当中使用的配置如下所示:reload一下nginx,利用curl命令进行测试,得到的结果如下所示,可见模块正常运行:
Add an entry in the ngx_http_auth_mysql_enctypes
array. It has to be a struct
with two elements:ngx_str_t idThe name under which it should be referenced in the config file
ngx_uint_t (*checker)(ngx_http_request_t *r, ngx_str_t sent_password, ngx_str_t actual_password)A function, which given the request (mostly used for logging and memory allocation through its r->pool),
the password sent by the user and the password in the database has to determine whether they match.
If they match it should return NGX_OK, if they don’t it should return NGX_DECLINED. If other error
occures, it should log it and return NGX_ERR.Currently salts aren't supported, but if there are schemes, which require them it is quite easy.
Questions/patches may be sent to Nikolay Bachiyski, nikolay@automattic.com似乎只能等待牛人进行二次开发了……