小编给大家分享一下Gobuster是一款什么工具,希望大家阅读完这篇文章之后都有所收获,下面让我们一起去探讨吧! Gobuster这款工具基于Go编程语言开发,广大研究人员可使用该工具来对目录、文件、DNS和VHost等对象进行暴力破解攻击。目前,该工具刚刚发布了最新的Gobuster v3.0.1版本。Gobuster可爆破的对象包括:1、目标站点中的URI(目录或文件);2、DNS子域名(支持通配符);3、目标Web服务器的虚拟主机名(VHost);1、没有使用臃肿的Java GUI,工具基于FTW控制台实现;2、可直接在命令行工具中执行;3、不会执行递归爆破;4、允许测试人员同时对目标文件夹以及多种扩展进行爆破;5、跨平台支持;6、运行速度比解释型脚本的运行速度快;7、不需要运行时环境;8、并发性支持;1、引入了新的命令行选项;2、性能优化,网络连接更稳定;3、新增VHost名爆破支持;4、可提供自定义的HTTP头;dir:传统的目录爆破模式;dns:DNS子域名爆破模式;vhost:虚拟主机爆破模式;gobuster help:输出完整的帮助信息gobuster help :输出指定模块的帮助信息Usage:gobuster dns [flags]Flags:d, –domain string The target domainh, –help help for dnsr, –resolver string Use custom DNS server (format server.com or server.com:port)c, –showcname Show CNAME records (cannot be used with ‘-i’ option)i, –showips Show IP addresses –timeout duration DNS resolver timeout (default 1s) –wildcard Force continued operation when wildcard foundGlobal Flags:z, –noprogress Don’t display progresso, –output string Output file to write results to (defaults to stdout)q, –quiet Don’t print the banner and other noiset, –threads int Number of concurrent threads (default 10)–delay duration Time each thread waits between requests (e.g. 1500ms)v, –verbose Verbose output (errors)w, –wordlist string Path to the wordlistUsage:gobuster dir [flags]Flags:f, –addslash Append / to each requestc, –cookies string Cookies to use for the requestse, –expanded Expanded mode, print full URLsx, –extensions string File extension(s) to search forr, –followredirect Follow redirectsH, –headers stringArray Specify HTTP headers, -H ‘Header1: val1’ -H ‘Header2: val2’h, –help help for dirl, –includelength Include the length of the body in the outputk, –insecuressl Skip SSL certificate verificationn, –nostatus Don’t print status codesP, –password string Password for Basic Authp, –proxy string Proxy to use for requests [http(s)://host:port]s, –statuscodes string Positive status codes (will be overwritten with statuscodesblacklist if set) (default “200,204,301,302,307,401,403”)b, –statuscodesblacklist string Negative status codes (will override statuscodes if set)–timeout duration HTTP Timeout (default 10s)u, –url string The target URLa, –useragent string Set the User-Agent string (default “gobuster/3.0.1”)U, –username string Username for Basic Auth–wildcard Force continued operation when wildcard foundGlobal Flags:z, –noprogress Don’t display progresso, –output string Output file to write results to (defaults to stdout)q, –quiet Don’t print the banner and other noiset, –threads int Number of concurrent threads (default 10)–delay duration Time each thread waits between requests (e.g. 1500ms)v, –verbose Verbose output (errors)w, –wordlist string Path to the wordlistUsage:gobuster vhost [flags]Flags:c, –cookies string Cookies to use for the requestsr, –followredirect Follow redirectsH, –headers stringArray Specify HTTP headers, -H ‘Header1: val1’ -H ‘Header2: val2’h, –help help for vhostk, –insecuressl Skip SSL certificate verificationP, –password string Password for Basic Authp, –proxy string Proxy to use for requests [http(s)://host:port]–timeout duration HTTP Timeout (default 10s)u, –url string The target URLa, –useragent string Set the User-Agent string (default “gobuster/3.0.1”)U, –username string Username for Basic AuthGlobal Flags:z, –noprogress Don’t display progresso, –output string Output file to write results to (defaults to stdout)q, –quiet Don’t print the banner and other noiset, –threads int Number of concurrent threads (default 10)–delay duration Time each thread waits between requests (e.g. 1500ms)v, –verbose Verbose output (errors)w, –wordlist string Path to the wordlist我们已经将项目的源码发布到了Gobuster的GitHub主页,广大用户目前无需自行构建项目代码。如果你已经搭建好了Go环境,你就可以直接使用下列命令来下载和安装Gobuster:由于该工具采用Go语言开发,那么用户首先就需要安装Go语言环境和编译器等等。关于Go环境的具体配置信息,可以参考Go语言的【官方网站】。编译gobuster现在引入了外部依赖组件,所以我们需要先配置依赖组件:该命令将会创建一份gobuster代码,运行下列命令即可在$GOPATH/bin目录中安装:配置好所有的依赖组件之后,我们就可以使用代码构建脚本了:make – 使用当前Go配置来构建工具,例如“go build”;make windows – 构建32位或64位Windows程序,并将其写入build子目录;make linux – 构建32位或64位Linux程序免费云主机域名,并将其写入build子目录;make darwin – 构建32位或64位Darwin程序,并将其写入build子目录;make all – 构建跨平台程序,并将其写入build子目录;make clean – 清理build子目录;make test – 运行测试;字典文件可以直接通过stdin嵌入到gobuster:命令行运行:默认选项如下:禁用状态码的默认选项:Verbose输出:显示内容长度:命令行运行:运行样例:IP样本运行:DNS通配符检测:命令行运行:常规样本运行结果:看完了这篇文章,相信你对“Gobuster是一款什么工具”有了一定的了解,如果想了解更多相关知识,欢迎关注云编程开发博客行业资讯频道,感谢各位的阅读!
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