Depend on:content in undo tablespace Hints:Row movement must be enabled on the tables needed to be flashback. Use Flashback table Warning:If there exist foreign key constraint,maybe operator would flashback not only one table Base:Virtual columns:VERSIONS_STARTSCN,VERSIONS_ENDSCN,VERSIONS_STARTTIME,VERSIONS_ENDTIME, VERSIONS_XID(type RAW,transaction ID),VERSIONS_OPERATIONS(INSERT I,DELETE D,UPDATE U) Syntax: Base:Based on flashback version query. The dbms will provide the undo SQL commands to flashback the specified transaction operations Involved Data Dictionary Table:FLASHBACK_TRANSACTION_QUERY(XID,…,OPERATION,ROWID,UNDO_SQL) Flashback transaction manually(Get the undo_sql and execute it yourself): Flashback transacion with package of dbms: Depend on:recyclebin(renaming table) P1:免费云主机域名flashback drop feature is enabled default.So tables dropped by users are put into recycle bin. You should confirm it so that log in as the owner of table and “show recyclebin” P2: Depend on:flashback log P1:Set FRA location P2:Set the size of FRA P3:Set flashback retention P4:Restart Database instance to mount P5: P6: P1:Restart database instance to mount P2: P3: Base: Create a tablespace to store flashback log data so that users can execute flashback query successfully during retention period. P1:Create a tablespace P2:Create a fda identifier and set retention time P3:Grant appropriate privilege to fdauser P4:Enable FDA on tables P1: P2:
相关推荐: oracle数据库生成awr报告、ash报告步骤是什么
这篇文章主要讲解了“oracle数据库生成awr报告、ash报告步骤是什么”,文中的讲解内容简单清晰,易于学习与理解,下面请大家跟着小编的思路慢慢深入,一起来研究和学习“oracle数据库生成awr报告、ash报告步骤是什么”吧!一、生成awr详细步骤1. 手…