Oracle Projects- AP Integration Part4


The following columns were added in R12 to tablePA_EXPENDITURE_ITEMS_ALLwith the purpose of linking data between PA and AP/PO:DOCUMENT_HEADER_ID:
This column refers to a header-level record identifier in another application. If the expenditure item originated in Oracle Payables, it holds the AP_INVOICES_ALL.INVOICE_ID. If the expenditure item originated in Oracle Purchasing, it holds the PO_HEADERS_ALL.PO_HEADER_ID. This column is not used for labor and usage expenditure items.

This column refers to a distribution-level record identifier in another application. If the expenditure item originated in Oracle Payables, it holds the AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL.INVOICE_DISTRIBUTION_ID. If the expenditure item originated in Oracle Purchasing, it holds the RCV_TRANSACTIONS.TRANSACTION_ID. This column is not used for labor and usage expenditure items.

This column refers to a line-level record identifier in another application. If the expenditure item originated in Oracle Payables, it holds the AP_INVOICE_LINES_ALL.LINE_NUMBER. If the expenditure item originated in Oracle Purchasing, it holds the PO_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL.PO_DISTRIBUTION_ID. This column is not used for labor and usage expenditure items.

This column refers to the payment record identifier in Oracle Payables. It holds the AP_PAYMENT_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL.PAYMENT_ID. This column is only populated when you enable cash basis accounting or, for payment discounts, when you use accrual basis accounting. This column is not used for labor and usage expenditure items.

This column indicates the vendor identifier for supplier cost transactions. If the expenditure item originated in Oracle Payables, it holds the AP_INVOICES_ALL.VENDOR_ID. If the expenditure item originated in Oracle Purchasing, it holds the PO_HEADERS_ALL.V 香港云主机ENDOR_ID. This column is not used for labor and usage expenditure items.

The supplier cost interface process uses this column to indicate the transaction type. Valid values are as follows: Payables, Purchasing, or Receiving.

The supplier cost interface process uses this column to indicate the transaction type of the distribution. Valid values are as follows: Payables, Purchasing, or Receiving.

The value inSYSTEM_REFERENCEcolumns depends on where the expenditure is coming from.
Usually the reference columns inPA_COST_DISTRIBUTION_LINES_ALLtable are populated for Supplier costs – Invoices or Receipts.

In case ofSupplier invoice:
SYSTEM_REFERENCE2 holds invoice id
SYSTEM_REFERENCE3 holds invoice line number
SYSTEM_REFERENCE4 holds invoice_payment_id from table ap_payment_hist_dists (for discount lines)
holds variance type or tax type (like TRV, ERV, NONREC_TAX)
SYSTEM_REFERENCE5 holds PAYMENT_HIST_DIST_ID from table ap_payment_hist_dists (for discount lines)

If it isReceipt Accrual:
SYSTEM_REFERENCE4 holds RCV_TRANSACTION_ID from rcv_receiving_sub_ledger
SYSTEM_REFERENCE5 holds RCV_SUB_LEDGER_ID from rcv_receiving_sub_ledger

It is possible to map between the TRANSFER_STATUS_CODE column in the PA_COST_DISTRIBUTION_LINES_ALL table and the PA_ADDITION_FLAG column in the AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL table. TRANSFER_STATUS_CODEs available in the PA_COST_DISTRIBUTION_LINES_ALL table for supplier invoices are:

V- Interface from Oracle Payables – Upon creation set to Received

P – Pending – Upon execution of Distribute Cost Process after Supplier Invoice Adjustments

G – If payables rules do not allow adjustments to the invoice (example: if the invoice is cancelled), then distribute supplier invoice adjustments program would create the CDL and set the value to (G), these lines will always reside in Oracle Projects and will not be transferred to Oracle Payables

A – Transfer Costs – If successfully transferred to Oracle Payables, set to Accepted

X – Rejected in transfer to Oracle Payables, set to Rejected in Transfer

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